Tuesday, August 25, 2009


We went to Vegas last month. She came home 2 weeks later for her moms graduation. At that point is was a little over four weeks before I was going to see her again. We brainstormed and she mentioned Chicago wouldn't be a far drive for her. I knew we have daily flights there so I began searching for the cheapest thing I could find. Two weeks later we met in Chi town for another amazing weekend together. In ten days I will fly to where she lives and help her move back home. Her family is here. This is where she has wanted to be for a long time.

Vegas--decide she is who I need to be with.

Graduation--not much alone time but still every moment was incredible being with her and her family.

Chi--breath taking 24 hours together

Move home--the beginning of forever

I don't like the girl she dated between her long term relationship and me. I don't know the girl but I guess that's the bad part about ALSO being friends before we became a couple. She told me TOO MUCH. I wish I could get things out of my head she told me--how she could see herself falling for that girl if she weren't moving. How they took a shower together. Movies they watched together. How good she was in bed. But as a dear friend told me, she chose ME. She didn't choose to stay and see if there was something there. That relationship was based solely on sex. I will give it time and hope she fizzles away with time. I know it hurt my girl to tell this chick she could only be friends with her. But if we are going to be exclusive, it had to happen.

I love her. It grows more and more everyday. I am so ready for that everyday life with her. We spoke about that last night on the phone. It wouldn't be a good idea to move in together right away when she moves here, but she told me last night she WANTS to live with me. She wants commitment and apparently that isn't something she gives freely. She wants to be settled down with me. I would let her move in with me in a heartbeat, even though it would be a financial strain on me and it might even cause problems down the road. But she really needs to stay with her mom. She hasn't spent any extended periods of time with her since high school.

I hope she finds a job soon. I think she will want to advance more quickly if she feels she can pay her own way. That is fine with me.

I'm in a place I've never known before. Home alone. Everything in this house is MINE. I am loving it. I never thought I could appreciate alone time, but I am. I am going to enjoy her company when she moves here in 10 days but I am going to savor this alone time. We don't plan to stay together EVERY night but that's going to be hard to NOT do when we want to spend every waking minute together. I have encouraged her to spend time with her mom, but she assures me her mom has her own things going on. I just don't want any hard feelings from her mom, thinking I'm stealing HER time away.

That's all for today. My heart is with her. I miss her and I can't wait to see her again in 10 short days.

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