Friday, August 17, 2012

I Ovulated...

So...I was scared that I had already ovulated. My cm wasn't what I thought it should be, my temp had gone up .3-.4, I hadn't gotten a + on an OPK. What the hell?

We had our appt Thursday morning. Thank GOD my temp went down that morning--as my Wife felt it would. I told our doc I was afraid the timing was off. She looked at my cervix and said it was PERFECT. The cervix was open and there was plenty of cm. We popped open the cork so to speak on our new donor.

The doc plunged a drop of specimen onto a slide and viewed it under the microscope. She said they were swimming good and there were a lot of them. Yay! Our donor donated that specimen not even a year ago...I like that it's so "fresh". When my Wife went with our doc and her nurse to look at the microscope, the nurse had a hard time getting the drop on the glass. The doc took the pump of the syringe and was plunging it up and down towards the glass. The nurse said "oh you got've done a hand job or two in your day" and started laughing. My Wife said "y'all ain't right!!" My doc is a lesbian...

I had to go to work after our IUI so I treated myself to a junky breakfast (McD's sausage/cheese biscuit and artificially colored Hi-C orange drink). I cramped off and on throughout the day but I was so busy I barely noticed. Thankfully I had grabbed a pad out of our doc's cabinet because I bled just slightly. I hate that wetness you get after an IUI.

My temp shot WAY up today (Friday) so I know I ovulated yesterday. Timing couldn't have been more perfect. We IUI'd at the same time I would have had sex, if we were a straight couple.

I'll be watching my temp for the next two weeks...(11 days) and praying it stays elevated beyond Aug 28th.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Cycle day off

Aunt Flo arrived at 10:30 pm...I called that cycle day 1. I should have called the following day cycle day 1. Anywho, we are one day early on our testing so looks like we will IUI on Thursday. We had an ultrasound today (CD13) and our little follicle measured 16 mm. We'll let it grow Tues (CD14) and Wed (CD15) then go in on Thursday (CD16) morning. We have always IUI'd in the afternoon so we'll try the morning this time. Our doc said if I get a + OPK on Tues we could bump it up to Wednesday if we want. We'll just have to wait and see. We have never IUI on CD 16. I think, according to my BBT, that is "THE DAY". I love you baby-baby...please come see us.

I went to acupuncture after the ultrasound. It was amazing again. SO relaxing! I am hoping it is promoting blood flow to my uterus, as described.

See you after Thursday!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Switching Donors

We aren't pregnant. I was convinced I was. It was CD 28 and it was 10 pm and Aunt Flo still hadn't arrived. It was going to happen. It was real. I had 4 psychics tell me either "July" or "you are pregnant". I was convinced. Pooey on them. And Pooey on Aunt Flo. I was sitting on the toilet, peeing on a stick, when there shot Aunt Flo like a cannonball out of a blaster. Ugh. We cried. It was hard to sleep. It was a mean, cruel joke she played on us. I had zero signs.

I cried the next day. I was so bummed. I didn't get to talk to our FNP until 5 pm that day. She made me feel some better, but not much. She said she would put us in the infertility category if we wanted, but that SHE didn't recommend it nor did she think that's where we should be. She said it is simply an exposure to sperm issue with as regular as my periods are. Her suggestion for Round 4...switch donors. She went back through our chart and said she had written LOW COUNT on try 1, GOOD COUNT LOW MOTILITY on try 2, and GOOD COUNT on try 3. She said we have tried him 3 times, it's time to have a talk with this fellah.

We took to our cryobank's website and began looking at our back-up choices. xxxx(5) sounded good, but so did xxxx (9). I like how 9 sounds because he is described as VERY good looking and has everything that goes with that--athletic and intelligent. When we originally picked out the donor we tried 9 was not available. He was still in quarantine. He is available now. He has a baby photo available but the Wife is not comfortable with that. I am trying to make her feel as much a part of this as possible. She we compromised and bought the long profile which will give detailed information. He has had 2 hospitalizations that I am hoping are outlined.

So we've got our ultrasound scheduled. I am lightly back on social media sites. I'm continuing acupuncture. I had another session Thursday. It was the best so far. I left SO relaxed and spirits lifted. My arms were tingling during the session and I got that very heavy, which I determined is a relaxed feeling. My entire body got chills, not hot or cold, just chills. Then went into a very warm sensation. So bizarre!! Not sure what all she's doing to me with those needles but I like it!! She used a LOT more on me this time. I go back the same day we ultrasound for another treatment. I suspect we will IUI the next day.

More news as it happens...