Monday, April 11, 2011

5K and 1/2 Marathon

My girl and her mom signed up for a half-marathon which they both participated in this weekend. The terrain is flat, with a few hills, but nothing major. I remembered how horrible my feet were after the half-marathon I walked last September. I can not take the chance or risk those blisters again 17 days before I will be wearing heels in Connecticut and NYC. Both my girl and her mom beat their September time (3:45) and walked it in 3:16:16. GREAT JOB!! I walked a 5K. I am not a runner, so I am always one of the last, but at least I'm out there getting my heart rate up, is the way I see it.

We received our paper lantern and lights today I had ordered last week. I love them!! We ordered 6" and I was expecting them to "look" larger than 6" at their widest part, so I'm considering ordering some 10" to mingle amongst them. The little LED lights are so cute and they have an on/off switch!! I can't wait to see the country club decorated!

We made a deal to not have sex from April 2 til our wedding day. How we came up with that date I do not remember. Turns out I was sick on April 2 so I told her we would have a rain check night later that week THEN the pact would begin. So far so good, I want our wedding night to be special, and I feel that is part of it.

Her gram has a horrible cough. She is in the hospital tonight and they will do a bronchoscopy tomorrow to see what they can find. There is a possibility one of the tumors is blocking an airway path and the doctor says it's possible to cauterize it. Keeping fingers crossed for that possibility.

My girl and her aunt fixed the water pipes under our summer lake house. I call it a lake house but it's more like a lake shack. ha It's an old house boat that has been brought ashore and stabilized for plumbing and electric.

The closer to the wedding date it gets the more excited I become. I am trying to let the stress of the reception wane so that I can focus on the wedding day and ENJOY every.single.minute. I am looking forward to our honeymoon. My cousin has a very close friend who works for Food & Wine Magazine who sent me an extensive list of restaurants he recommends. Can't wait to decide where we are going to eat!! There are so many choices, how do I decide?

16 days

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