Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wedding Details

I got dress #1 from Ann Taylor (picture in previous post) made me look like a big square piece of oatmeal. Ivory dress with NO waist. Yesterday, dress #2 came in the mail. Ironically, the Ides of March was yesterday and when I put the dress on I thought to myself "well, hello JC!" If I had worn a bunch of green leaves on my head you could have called me Julius Caesar. I learned the over one shoulder dress is NOT my style. My plan is to look online at David's Bridal ($99 sale?!?!?) and pick out a few style numbers and try them on in the store tomorrow or Friday evening.

My bff asked if I wanted to try her wedding dress. This is the one she bought and had her $13,000 wedding planned and cancelled a week before she was set to walk down the aisle. I tried it on but it did NOT fit. It has been altered, and she was going to ask her mom if she thought it could be let out. But honestly, I am not sure the dress is for me. It still seems to "mean" something to the bff, and I know it means something to her mom. I don't know that I'd feel right taking it (she offered it for free). A part of me thinks she invited me over to try it on to prove how FAT I am, but then I ask myself if she would really do something like that? I would hate to think she would. But after I tried the dress on, she tried it on, too. And of course, it fit like a glove. Hmmmm...

We bought our invitations this weekend. Going to do those ourselves, and save some money. We got my girl a shirt to go under her Banana Republic black sleek suit. It looks GREAT!!!

We booked our honeymoon room last night on Priceline (the Algonquin). I am disappointed in the room size, but the location will be great. $210/night within 500 yards of Times Square. But the room size...160 square feet is what I'm told. Eek!! I wonder if that includes the bathroom? I asked if we could upgrade and she said when we arrive we could ask for an upgrade but she was unable to do anything since we booked it through Priceline. On a more positive note, they will hold our luggage while we explore the city before taking the train up to CT. I am asking myself if I should have just paid $269 for the Crown Plaza. Not sure the rooms would have been THAT much bigger, and for an extra $120...we probably won't be in the room that much, anyway.

My doctor hasn't had many cases so $$ is slim this month. I'm working in xray at the hospital a few nights to help supplement.

I am also worried about income taxes. This was the first year I have ever made 6 figures, and I do not think I saved enough to cover what I didn't pay in estimated taxes throughout the year. We'll see...nail biting.

My girl's mother, and also an aunt and her 11 year old daughter are flying up for the wedding. How sweet!! It means so much that they would sacrifice time and money to spend this SPECIAL day with us.

I sent my mother an email about our wedding/reception. A few days later I sent her another email asking about their pastor and about an iron on patch. She never replied about the wedding, only about the pastor and patch. I don't expect for them to come to either, but I think I had a sliver of hope. I often wish I could get into a religious debate with them...I would SO win!! How can they only take the scriptures that serve THEIR purpose and leave the others to be "for that time"? So hypocritical.

My other bff called me today to say she will try to come to our reception. That means SO much to me. And my former roommate said she will come, too. That makes me smile. Especially since my girl will have the MAJORITY of the guests. I really have no one.

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