Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Perfect Day

We had the most perfect day Sunday. Our 1 year anniversary. 1 year since we decided to be exclusive, even though she was still several weeks from moving here. We stood in her grandmothers driveway with the only light coming from the security light from a few yards away made promises to each other.

I planned a few surprises for her. First I booked an all day spa for us. We arrived at 11 am got 1 hour couples massages followed by a soak in the LED lit infinity tub (OH MY GAWD!). Next we went our separate ways to hour long facials. We came back together for lunch where I had paid for a private dining area and they brought in food from a local bread store. They served us wine with our meal. So good!! Last we had couples pedicures where I almost feel asleep from the calf rub. In between each treatment we chose to go to their relaxation room. One was a dark room with lights on the ceiling that resembled the night sky with stars. But our favorite was the projection screen room with clouds floating by and while we laid on luxurious sofas and cuddled. The spa was SUPER gay-friendly, I made sure of that before I booked it. Several couldn't believe I asked that question, but I called a few places that were not as receptive.

I also bought her a new Flip MinoHD camera and recorded my own video telling her what her surprise was. She loved it! She's a gadget girl, so I knew that would be a hit. I also got a leather jar and typed up 100 reasons why I love her and cut each of them up like a fortune cookie paper. She cried when I gave her that and told me it was the sweetest gift anyone has ever given her. I also made her a CD of songs that remind me of her. I am a sucker for Hallmark so I bought her 3 special cards to give her through-out the day. I'm a hopeless romantic...I love it!

My girl had me fresh (gorgeous) flowers in the most beautiful vase I've ever received. Along with a bag with a photo frame and picture of us taken 1 year ago. It was when she was leaving to go back home the weekend we became exclusive. Her mom snapped a photo of us in the departure lane of the airport. We went inside to print her boarding pass and looked up to see "FLIGHT CANCELLED". We started squealing like little girls and felt overwhelmingly excited. I can still remember that feeling. On the back of the photo she gave me Sunday she described that moment in time so perfect and it made me cry remembering that day. She also gave me the sweetest card with a long handwritten part that meant the world to me. She took me to dinner that evening at Macaroni Grille. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day together. She means everything to me, and I am looking forward to our lives together.

I've been searching for the perfect place to get married next year. Think I've found it. Check out Simon Pearce website and click restaurants. Thinking about the Vermont location. It's breathtakingly beautiful. I spoke with their event coordinator today and she gave me the warm and fuzzies talking about it. PLUS it's in our budget. That's the biggie!! Oh and if we do a wedding registry with them we get 2 free SP champagne flutes!! That's worth several $$!!

She's going to the gyn in 2.5 weeks. Going to discuss fertility drugs, babies, and time frames. WOW so much going on!!

She promised her mom she would take her on a cruise after she graduated college last year. We are looking to do that in March of 2011. A 3 day Bahama cruise. Think we can go for around $300 a person plus flights and drinks. I need about 6 months of people hurting their backs and needing surgery. Horrible, isn't it?


  1. Happy Anniversary! It sounds like the two of you had a very enjoyable day together. The spa sounded amazing.
    I would have cried over the jar of 100 reasons as well. That's so cool ~ will have to try that one on the Hubby. The gifts you received sounded great as well...especially the photo of the two of you. I love sentimental gifts! =)
    I have a personal question...which you most certainly do not have to answer but something I was wondering about. When you guys decide the time is right to have children will you each want to give birth? Do each of you want to experience pregnancy is what I'm asking. You mentioned your girl going to the Dr. today, but another time I thought you were going to go. Just thinking how that would be cool if done at different times.
    Praying people to hurt their backs so you can get more work...LOL. Wow, that sounded super bad! =D

  2. Hi hon! I am so happy you had such a perfect anniversary! I love it when everything falls into place & you are with the one you love so, it's just amazing. Keep us posted on the wedding plans - I can't wait to hear all about it. xoxo

  3. Michelle--We each want to experience carrying a child. She wants to go first, probably start doing the turkey-baster thing next June. Then 3-6 months after our baby arrives, I will start the same process. She really has a desire to go first, and that is fine with me as it will give me a bit more time to... unfortunately, hide from my co-workers a bit longer about sexual orientation.

    This is Me...thank you!!! I actually think I may have found our wedding photographer last night. Who knew taking pictures could be so lucrative! I should do this in my next life.
