Monday, February 4, 2013

14 weeks, 4 days

Other than this AWFUL headache, I feel great!! My head hurts off/on. I'm staying hydrated. I'm not taking any meds. The only thing that helps is a warm bath with a steamy washrag over my face. Could be sinus, could be hormones.

We're going tomorrow (2/5) to find out boy/girl. I already feel I know it's a girl based on an ultrasound last Friday. But the u/s machine used isn't as good as our friend has in her office. We're hoping to be able to give my Wife's mom a birthday present Wed night that announces boy/girl.

We ripped up the carpet/pad in the nursery this weekend. My wife did most of the work, I just got her started on the project. I love ripping up carpet. My wife equated it to ripping off skin from a sunburn, I agree. My Wife also installed a new kitchen faucet. It's FABULOUS, I love it. We are installing a reverse osmosis water system so we needed the sprayer hose hole for that. Now our faucet has a pull-down sprayer. We bought Moen brand because it has a lifetime warranty.

My belly is starting to show. I'm still taking pictures every week. I had my first uninvited belly rub at work today, from a dude no less. So bizarre. I asked a friend if I can grab people's junk when that happens. Seems fair.

See you soon Samantha Adeline, mommy loves you. :) :)

1 comment:

  1. So boy or girl??! We found out on the 5th too--we're having a girl, so we'll have one of each! So excited.
