Sunday, July 1, 2012

Our Saturday

We saw where the Symmetry place was having free intuitive readings and massages so we got ready and went down. You know I am so apprehensive about that sort of thing, but find myself open and drawn to it at the same time. 

We walked in and saw the place was packed with people. We walked around the store then decided to ask what the deal was. The lady at the front desk told us there was mediums and/or clairvoyants in each room and we could talk to any of them we would like. There was a lady available in the front room at the time so I sat down and talked to her (Ruby). She held my hands and told me she saw money being an issue in my childhood, like it was a struggle. I told her no. She asked if money was discussed a lot and I said YES, to always save. I didn't really get much else from her, and she said my name wrong when I got up so I was like "eh, whatever." 

We went to the next room where there was a guy using Tarot cards. I told my Wife I wasn't comfortable with that because it seems "evil"--as that's how I was raised. She told me it wasn't we waited in line to speak with Randy. When I sat down he asked me to shuffle the cards until I felt comfortable. He turned the cards over and asked what my question was. I said "can you tell me anything about children?" He said "what about children?" and laughed. I asked if he saw me with any. He asked if I had any surgery maybe on my fallopian tubes. I told him no. He said it could mean something in the spiritual realm like I need to surround myself around babies more and get myself mentally prepared for motherhood. I asked if he could be more specific and tell me if I am pregnant NOW. He got goose bumps and said WOW...there's something there!! He turned over 3 more cards and said "2 of the 3 say YES". He then said I have a great light around me and my heart is full of love to give. I was happy with my reading. 

My Wife sat down for her reading...He asked if she had a specific question and she said no. He flipped the cards to see what they revealed. The first card he turned over was the Tower which he said was a phallic symbol and given the situation after just talking with me, that it was kind of funny but that it was turned upside down and that showed it was more of an internal symbol. Then he turned over more cards and his next question was "Tell me about your dad". My Wife said he had been deceased since 1993 and Randy got chills. He said his energy was all around my Wife. He asked if she had any specific questions to her dad because his presence was there. My Wife asked if he was happy. He responded with "very" and he had a big smile on his face. He added that he saw her dad rocking his arms were like a baby and that any disconnect she might feel about the baby she needed to let go and she would fall into her role perfectly. Randy said to her "he loves you very much" and Randy started CRYING!!!

Randy went on to confirm things about My Wife's personality that were spot on. It was so funny the ONE person I felt the most awkward about when we got there yesterday was the one who gave us the most peace.

We also met with a girl who does "writing readings". She wrote down a bunch of crap...we didn't think she was legit. She might be...but she could have written it down for anybody. It was nothing specific for us.

Several of the things Randy said to My Wife about her dad were the same things Rebecca had said to her, too. Very cool. 

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