Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10 weeks 5 days

I meant to blog before now but time has gotten away from me.

I'm feeling MUCH better. I have not been nauseous in SEVERAL days. I am liking this!! I am not "as" tired but that part has lingered in the evenings. I am finished with progesterone, FINALLY!! I still have reflux in the evenings, but it's not as bad, either. I guess my only annoying symptom are my boobs. They are VERY sore and tender. 

Had our first official OB appointment today (10 weeks 5 days). Didn't last very long. He asked family history then told me all the do's & don'ts for the next 7 months. He basically said to carry on life how I have been except no scuba diving. Ha Ha! They drew my blood before I left and said they would get a urine specimen next time. 

Before we left he pulled out his little doppler and listened to my belly for a heartbeat. We got to hear it but the baby was moving around so much it would come and go quickly. He ordered a nuchal translucency test next week, it's the test for Down's Syndrome. It consists of an ultrasound to measure the skin around the baby's neck along with a finger prick of blood. They have a chart where they base it on the size of the baby's neck and my age to see if I'm at higher risk. I didn't ask for the test but when he looked at my chart he said "you're at "that" age." Guess that means I'm gonna be an old mama.
We go back to see him the next week. He likes to keep you on a track of every 4 weeks starting at 12 weeks, then 16 weeks, then 20 weeks, etc. until 36 weeks. He asked if I work 12 hour shifts or 8. He said the 12 hours shift people usually can't work more than 2 in a row when they get late into their pregnancy. He said we'll just have to see how 5 days a week works for me and back off on that if we need to. I sure hope I can go til I deliver so I don't have to use my vacation time. 

We like our OB..he is kind of no frills and no sugar coating. He's all business but makes wise cracks occasionally. 

They gave us a bag of free samples of things--diapers, wipes, bottles, etc. I thought that was nice. Something about today made things feel a little more real, but only slightly. My Wife thought it made things a LOT more real...that these people handed us a bag because they think we're pregnant. Why are they handing us this bag? ha ha 

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