Monday, September 28, 2009

Back from vacay...

How she always gives the right answers I will never know. I don't guess I have had enough relationships to know if its "ok" to compare or not but I can't help but compare her to my last relationship most of all. Some of the exact same situations will arise and the answers HE gave were cruel or smart assy or not understanding. Her responses make me smile, melt, and get weak in the knees. He and I used to sleep in the same bed all night until his snoring got worse. If I would wake him up I was chastised either then or the next morning for waking him up. He wouldn't allow me to wake him up...he said there wasn't any use in two people losing sleep. I also have a bad habit of popping my jaw where my TMJs hurt...he never would allow me to pop my jaw near him. I would get up and leave the room if I needed to pop my jaw. Coincidentally she has the same issue. She would never ask me not to pop my jaw--. Sometimes when I ask her if certain things bother her that I do she looks at me as if I am insane. And in my mind I'm thinking DAMN...I'm not gonna get bitched out or made to feel like shit for thinking a certain way or doing things a certain way. No matter what I say or do, its "okay" with her. There are no rules. No manerisms I am required to change to be around her. I can be myself and there is such a release and freedom in that.she doesn't even care if I don't shave my legs!! The ex would never let me throw my legs on him if they weren't freshly shaven. And she will kiss first thing in the morning if we haven't brushed our teeth. Gross? I honestly don't care. We were laying in bed one night at the beach and she snuggled up behind me and whispered "marry me" in my ear. When I think about that moment I lose my breath. I have never wanted to marry...and now she is who I want to be with forver and I feel like I want to make it ceremonial. We were sitting on the beach the night before we left and I started feeling emotional. So much so that I began to cry. She never said a word and just hugged me. Exactly what I needed. I was crying for several reasons...I didn't want to leave the beach, I was thinking about how unsupportive my parents are, and I was also thinking about how much she loves me. No one has ever loved me like she does. I think I was loved to the best of their ability but no one ever connected the way she does.I can honestly say I love her more than anyone in the world. She treats me so well, and respectfully. She enjoys doing things for dinner, cleaning house, pumping my fuel , etc. It makes me feel a little helpless but she seems to get offended when I don't let her do things for me. I suppose if I were to compare again...she does "little things"to show she loves me rather than buying me things, like he did.I love doing things for her, too. When I see that smile of hers like I did when we rented that Jeep, my heart simply melts. I dont want to get in a habit of spending money to get that...because I can look at her with wanting eyes and get the same smile. I love looking at her. She's so beautiful. When she throws that ball cap on and gives me a "look" I would do anything she asked...ANYTHING. I am enjoying my feels complete.

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