Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Handy Dandy Timeline

I read from this website daily: soyourreengayged.com. A new contributor was added this week and she tells her story. I enjoy reading it...how they met, how they dated, how they proposed, etc. But I am always curious about the past. Not sure why that is...I attribute it to my nosiness. Maybe it's because once you find that SOMEBODY, you don't need to look back at the past. Your past is why you are the way you are NOW tho, right?

But I find comfort in reading about others coming out process, if I can possibly relate? It was painful for me, it left me with some scars, but I did it, and I survived...and I continue to. If you have your story documented or would just like to share, I'm all ears.

She had a handy dandy timeline of events...which, coincidentally, my Wife and I were discussing just last night when we considered our first kiss. We were watching the Tonight Show and theywere interviewing couples and would ask that question while one spouse had ear phones on so their S.O. couldn't hear them. She turned to me in bed and asked "when was our first kiss? In Phase I or Phase II?". I sometimes wish there was no Phase I, but other times I wouldn't trade those high school years we "fooled around" for anything. It helps me to know HER, her history, her family, where we came from. I love a commonplace. I love that we're from the same small town, both got out of that small town and experienced some life, then somehow through aligning of the stars and planets came back together to enter Phase II.

We determined Phase I first kiss was Feb 3 (2/3), Phase II July 23 (7/23). We have always remembered the 2/3 (first) kiss in high school because it's my dad's birthday. Our Phase II first kiss was in Las Vegas. The rest is history...

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