Wednesday, July 13, 2011


My sisters birthday was yesterday. While she was on vacay about a few weeks ago I had asked mom if she was planning a birthday dinner. She said yes probably the weekend before or after my sisters birthday. I told her when my Wife and I would be in town (the weekend after her bday) and we tentatively set the dinner for that Sunday.

I got an email from my sister the day before her birthday telling me mom was cooking her birthday dinner the day OF her birthday (yesterday). Then I receive an email from mom telling me she was having birthday dinner for my sister yesterday, and she added it was my sisters choice.

I immediately took offense. I do not know if my mom told my sister we were planning to come in this weekend and she deliberately planned the dinner for a week night when she KNEW we couldn't come, or if mom never told her we were coming in this weekend, and it was just never mentioned.

I called my sister yesterday to wish her happy birthday. She asked if I was coming to dinner. I told her no, I was not invited. She said "you know you are welcome". I replied "actually, I don't know that". She immediately changed the subject to something about my parents air conditioner being on the fritz. We chatted awhile and before we hung up she told me that if I was in the area and wanted to "swing by" I was welcome to. "Swing by" would mean getting the car and driving 2 hours, eating dinner, and driving 2 hours back home (+ tank 'o gasoline). I thanked her for the offer and told her I would be getting up early for work today and would not be able to make it but I hope they enjoyed.

Today I received this email from my mom:

"Hi there! Missed ya'll at the BD dinner yesterday(Tuesday). Heard that you were not invited. Sorry for a misunderstanding. You do not ever have to be invited to your Mom and Dad's house. You are welcome. Hope you and Sis can get a better relationship. Makes parents feel sad when the siblings relationships are strained. Dad said, If you two keep going you will end up like he and his brother and you will regret it. Just a tidbit from the old folks at home. Love you all, Mom and Dad" what do I do? My Wife suggested I forward that email to my sister and include a short note about wanting to share. My first thought is to write mom back telling her ALL the reasons I don't feel welcomed by Lisa and her bigoted attitude towards US. How she won't even let Sydney be around us because she doesn't want to expose her to gay people. It gets my blood boiling every time I think about it.

I suppose I'll get my sister a gift (card) and drop it off at her house, or my parents this weekend. My sister just replaced her above ground pool. Would be nice to get an invitation to that, too.

My family stinks like armpits in mid-July.

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