Thursday, July 10, 2014

1 year

You turn a year old tomorrow. 365. Amazing. It's not much like I thought it would be at this time. It's better in some regards. I can't think about the past years too much. I will cry my eyes out. I will tell you I enjoyed the hell out of staying home with you for 16 weeks. It was hard work but you were so worth it. The day before I went back to work you stared into my eyes from the changing pad and assured me that we would be ok. I'll never forget those eye sweet girl. 

I picked you up from Bambini this Tuesday and the shock and surprise on your face was like nothing I have seen you do before. You were so happy to see me. My heart overflows thinking about it. 

Your momma and I love you so much. So much it hurts us. You have made my life complete. You are so perfect and I adore you. I love your sweet smile and the way you crinkle your nose at me. I love the silly games we play. I love that you eat so well. I am proud of you and all you're learning to do. This next year will be even more incredible and you'll change every day I am sure. 

I will never be convinced you were ready to come out on July 11 but we have made the best of our first year together. 365 days. I love nursing you. I think it's made us close and bond. I wish I didn't feel like you don't like me sometimes. Your momma tells me it's just my Aunt Flo hormones. I hope so. I have no regrets about our first year. You've been loved as much as I am capable of. I have always chosen you first and your needs and comfort. I've wanted you to have an easy first year. It hasn't always been but we tried everything in our power to make it calm and peaceful. 

I love you as far as you can comprehend. 

11:11 pm 7/10/14

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