We made it to our Friday appointment! So glad that nothing came up to send us to the hospital. Weight was good (gained 1 lb but had lost 1 lb the week prior), my BP was 140/86 (better), and no protein in my urine.
We discussed where we stand with everything with the OB then he told me he wanted to do the group B strep and also a pelvic exam. I told him I would prefer to deliver over a pelvic exam. He just looked at me and I questioned "tough titty?" He said "yes, and I'm going to leave it at that".
He inserted a speculum and swabbed for the group B then he removed the speculum and did the pelvic exam. I don't know how many fingers he inserted but prior to starting he mentioned he would NOT be reaching for my tonsils. He touched my cervix and I would say he was inside maybe 8-10 seconds at the most. He said my cervix was very anterior (which is GOOD) and that I am 50% effaced. I am not dilated at all. All this will lead to a Bishop's score to determine if and when I am could be induced.
OB sent me over for an ultrasound to make sure the amnio fluid was still good. My AFI was 11 (good). She weighs 6 lb 5 oz. She has the chubbiest cheeks!! We love them. One of my co workers said she's storing food for winter. Ha!
My uric acid came back 6.8. At the hospital it was 6.2 but the OB said they always run a little lower than his number.
We go back again Tuesday for another repeat of labs, bp, weight, urine, etc. We went over a lot of what-if's with the doc. Somewhere in the discussion he mentioned people like "us" who are OCD. I have never been told I have OCD but maybe he is picking up on the fact I need to have control over everything.
I struggle with what to do between an induction and c-section. I've done my research and feel I know my options, it'll just depend on how well I dilate in the next few weeks.
Have gone back and forth with our doula. I don't feel I need one if I have a c-section. If we go the induction route, I feel I would like her there to help push me so that I won't request an epidural.
I've had "lightning" something awful. OB says it probably wouldn't be as strong if I were up walking around all the time. He said my pelvis probably twists when I get up/down. Heartburn is much better, Zantac has been a lifesaver! I didn't want to take it but it's a class B drug like Tylenol so I hope the FDA knows what they are talking about.
Oh, I hope you have an easy and safe delivery. I'm sorry some of these issues have arisen, but hopefully things will continue to go well and improve. My induction date is July 15, but I'm hoping I will have progressed enough tomorrow that we schedule it sooner (I was 80% effaced and 3-4 cm dilated last week). Good luck!