Saturday, January 19, 2013

12 Weeks

Today I am 12 weeks 2 days. I didn't blog during week 11. It was fairly uneventful. We did have our NT scan. The ultrasound showed no sign of Down's. Our u/s tech told us if the skin at the base of the neck was 3 mm or less, that was great. Ours was 1 mm. She stuck my finger and got five drops of blood on a piece of paper that she sends off to a lab. Three days later she called me (this is probably not legal for her to do) and gave me the results. She said the chance of Down's is 1 in 6,000+ and the chance of other abnormalities is 1 in 10,000. She said I have the eggs of a 20 year old. I wasn't worried about the test, but now I especially have no reason to be.

When she looked between the legs it appeared the angle of the dangle indicates girl but it's still WAY too early to tell. The heartbeat was 164.

12 weeks 1 day was the worse day I've had emotionally. I was unexplainably irrational, irritable, and before I could get to the car when work was over, I was crying uncontrollably for no reason. It's the weirdest feeling to cry for no reason. I wasn't sad or angry, simply crying. After I cried, the feelings released. I hope I don't have many more days like that. I'd take severe nausea over THOSE kinds of feelings!

We have an u/s student at work. She's going through u/s school online and completing her clinical rotation at our hospital. When the girl over u/s found out I'm going to have a baby she said she would let me be a guinea pig for the student since she won't get much OB experience at our hospital (it's mostly geriatric patients). She called me over the next day and looked at our baby. He/she was moving about and swimming fluidly.

My Wife has agreed to have our u/s tech look for the gender at the end of week 14. I'm looking forward to this so much. I think it will feel more real, more like a little person and not just a thing swimming in my body. I saw his/her legs bend at the knee and he/she also stretched it's body's entire length. I saw it's little butt, so precious, I wanted to pinch it.

We're interviewing a doula today. We hope she works out. We'll see...

I cannot believe I only have a short time left in this first trimester. It has flown by.

We started cleaning out the nursery this weekend. It's going to be a long hard process, but I'm so ready to get it going. The colors are grey/yellow.

Some in my Wife's family have begun planning our baby shower. I do NOT want to be included in any games. I hate being the center of attention and that will make my neck break out and I'll be very uncomfortable.

I've started shopping online for baby things. I'm not buying, just getting ideas for our registry. Most things seem like a waste of money. I look at it and wonder if my mom had it when I was a baby, if not, click to the next thing. I remember being bathed in the stainless steel sink...why do I need a giant plastic contraption shaped like a whale to bathe our baby?

My best friend got me a maternity shirt. We ate dinner with her/hubby/daughter last night. The daughter is almost 1. She's precious. Dinner was good and our visit was nice. I think that helped my emotions/feelings.

See you next week! I love you baby.

Thoughts on Samantha Adeline for a girl name?


  1. When I was a little girl, my brother & I each got a kitten. little black puffs. sisters. we named them Samantha and Tabitha (bewitched!!) I think my mother influenced the names, but ever since then, it was always my intention to name my daughter Samantha. That was my kitten's name. I always thought it was the most beautiful name, and I think it is perfect.

  2. So much of the baby stuff depends on your baby! Most babies love bouncy seats, but mine didn't spend a total of 10 minutes in the $60 bouncy seat. Maybe #2 will like it. The swing was super helpful, and I love the Ergo carrier and still use it now. I would avoid clothes with lots of buttons and snaps....our son spent most of the first 2 months in gowns b/c it's so much easier for the 12 or more diaper changes every 24 hours. Buttons and snaps get really old at 2 in the morning!

    I like Samantha.

    I can't believe anyone does games at baby showers. So thankful my friends think they are terrible, but if they didn't, I'd probably request that there not be any.....
