I've had reflux, a few pimples-boob/back/face/neck (unusual for me), and I am extremely tired. About 3 pm every day I have shut down mentally and physically. That's tough since I don't get off work until 5:30 pm. I keep reminding myself they say to sleep now, while I can. I've had a few bouts with nausea. It comes/goes quickly, but it's noticeable. I'm also urinating frequently. I don't think it's more than normal because my bladder seems to be on the small side.
I've had some days of irritability. Hopefully that passes as the hormones get settled into growing our bean.
It's bizarre to call ourselves 4 weeks because all the baby calendars use your LMP (last menstrual period) even if you know your conceive date.
Looks like the psychic might have been right after all, our due date is July 30.
I am going to enjoy every single moment of this. Tiredness, nausea, growing belly, and anything else that comes along.
Closing thoughts...
A bun in the oven!!! :) I have checked the blog daily and I had a hunch when I saw the clues on the 18th. Still so elated that you are blessed with this miracle...