Monday, August 13, 2012

Cycle day off

Aunt Flo arrived at 10:30 pm...I called that cycle day 1. I should have called the following day cycle day 1. Anywho, we are one day early on our testing so looks like we will IUI on Thursday. We had an ultrasound today (CD13) and our little follicle measured 16 mm. We'll let it grow Tues (CD14) and Wed (CD15) then go in on Thursday (CD16) morning. We have always IUI'd in the afternoon so we'll try the morning this time. Our doc said if I get a + OPK on Tues we could bump it up to Wednesday if we want. We'll just have to wait and see. We have never IUI on CD 16. I think, according to my BBT, that is "THE DAY". I love you baby-baby...please come see us.

I went to acupuncture after the ultrasound. It was amazing again. SO relaxing! I am hoping it is promoting blood flow to my uterus, as described.

See you after Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Still routing for you and the wifey!! Good luck sister!! Come on baby...
