So I decided last weekend to delete FB and the Twit off my cell phone. I removed them from my Bookmark Bar at the top of Safari. I haven't been to the baby forums. I am spending each evening meditating/napping/relaxing for about 20-30 minutes. I am taking time for ME, removing any distractions.
I have a reiki appointment for Saturday, and an acupuncture treatment scheduled for Monday after our ultrasound. I must align. I must be centered. I must make sure every ounce of my being is ready for our baby. I feel there might be a hindrance. I want all possible blockages to be cleared.
We are going to my (ex) best friends tomorrow night. I want to hold her baby. I want to feel those little fingers and toes. I want to smell her and infuse her kindred spirit into my follicles.
Baby, we are ready for you. Come see us.
Monday is follicle ultrasound day. We'll probably IUI Tues/Wed or Wed/Thurs. We ordered two vials again. Our doctor did not have me top priority on the phone when I spoke with her Monday...I am hoping she can remove those distractions when we meet Monday.
I must be more positive and have more faith this WILL happen.
Sending positivity and prayers!! XoxoxoxoX