Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Text Message Received 11/3/09

After I left for work this morning I received the following text message....

"I am more in love with you than I knew was possible, when I fall asleep YOU are on my mind, when I dream it is YOU I search for, when I wake up YOU are the first thing that fills my thoughts. You are my best friend, the one that makes me laugh, the oone that fills me with pure happiness. You are my true love, my soul mate, the ONE I long for when not in your presence. You have my heart for this lifetime and all the others to follow. I want an eternity with YOU. I will never stop loving you...I will only love you more. You are my future and I belong to you."

She honestly takes my breath away. I cannot live without her. She is my life. My World. I've made her the center of everything. I never knew love could be like this. I never knew life could be this fulfilled. I have never felt these feelings before. I never knew they existed. It's so deep. So connected. Almost in a eerie kind of way sometimes. It's like I can feel her soul by looking into her eyes. I love her more than I've ever loved anyone. They don't even compare. She is amazing. I don't know how many more butterflies my stomach can handle, but they never end. I love living together. She makes home the best place in the world to be.

I have a business trip next week in SF. She is going with me. So excited!!

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