Saturday, July 25, 2015

Party of Five

Well here we are again looking at a + on a HPT. I'm 10 weeks now. We had two good follicles and they apparently both met up with a swimmer and implanted. We are having di-di twins. 

June 16 I took a HPT and it was +. I had my blood drawn for two HCGs and the numbers were incredibly high--suspiciously high. High enough I suspected two. We went to our friend for a free ultrasound. I burst into tears. There were two heartbeats. Two sacs. Two babies. 

We've gone back for one other ultrasound. They were measuring perfect. 

I was nauseous the most in weeks 6-8. Week 9 still had a great deal of nausea and the closer to get to week 10 the less nausea I have. I am not quite as tired as I was but I could still nap every day. 

I've been moody. The worse part has been my breasts and my lack of ability to breastfeed. It hurts SO bad, especially after the milk is gone and she's dry nursing. I have to just tell her the Ba-Bas are asleep. 

I haven't had any unusual cravings. Enchiladas aren't like they were in my first pregnancy, but I do eat them. I still don't want to eat eggs. I've thrown up three times. Brushing teeth is hard. I gag. I developed strep or an sinus infection. I'm taking antibiotics. 

I'm showing. My belly grows every day. It's crazy. 

It will likely be a boy and girl. Names. We have some we like but nothing is definite yet. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

18 months

You're going through a little sleep regression. I read an article that said its a sleep progression bc nothing a baby does regresses. So true. You're saying more words. Your favorite word is ball and duck. I think you're trying to sing EIEIO. You love bounce patrol on YouTube. 

We took you to the zoo, your second trip
The goats and fish were your favorite. You growled at the tiger. You seemed to have a better time than at 1 yr. what a difference 6 months makes!!

You seem to be in love with me, as I am you. You'll let me hold you and read or sing. You look into my eyes with love for your ma. It's indescribable. You are my #1 and always will be. I would do anything for you. I carried you on my back tonight for the first time. You signed more. Ha Glad you liked it. 

You're throwing the ball well. You like tedious tasks. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year 2015

Wow so much happened in 2014. You sat up for the first time on your own and you crawled and walked and talked. Geeze, it happened fast, but especially from July until now. 

You're becoming more loving. You will hug me, kiss me bye before work, and even blow me a kiss occasionally. You say bye to everything and everybody. It's cute. You loved Frosty this Christmas. You're saying his name now that we've put him away. You were even trying to sing Frosty the Snowman with me today. I love you, my dear daughter. 

You're in your last wonder week. It's been a doosey. You're screaming in a very high pitch voice when you don't get your way. It's annoying but I know it's just a fraction of time that it takes place in. 

Goals for 2015

Get pregnant
Have more patience with B
Stay calm and zen and relaxed 
Use more essential oils 
Love and be kind