Sunday, February 24, 2013

17 weeks, 4 days

I should not look at that fruit chart that tells how big our baby will be each week. The watermelon isn't even the LARGEST fruit. WOW!

I'm looking into hypnobirthing. I'm reading a book. It makes sense. I want to do it. We had intended to take Lamaze class at the hospital where we're birthing, but we may invest our dollars in the hypnobirthing class, instead.

I had a headache almost every day last week. I've had none over the weekend. Maybe I should quit work. I honestly think it's the fluorescent lights.

I'm feeling well otherwise. We got the nursery painted and the hardwood flooring installed (with the help of my dad). What a lifesaver he is!!

Think we may take a break from the nursery for a bit. We need a few days off to just relax!!

We got our new sectional in the living room and sold our old small sectional (couch with chaise at one end). The new couch is HUGE!! My Wife's boss sold it to her for $1000. He paid almost $4000 2 years ago. It looks brand new. It's leather. It's luxurious and I love it!!

Random thought: I enjoyed my 4 oz glass of wine on Valentine's Day...I'm still thinking about it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

16 weeks 5 days

I'm 16 weeks, 5 days. We're having a girl.
The nursery has one coat of paint on it. It's grey. It looks so pretty. We went to Chicago last weekend, to visit cousin T and to shop @ IKEA. We spent a bazillion more dollars than we intended but everything is so cute. I cannot wait for the nursery to be complete. It's coming together perfectly. We bought a faux sheepskin rug that's adorable!! We also bought a GIANT green leaf to hang over the crb.
I had some paranoid days in Chicago, I hadn't felt any "flutters". I had the girls at work scan me real quick Monday evening, everything was perfect. Samantha Adeline was sucking her thumb. She looked to be asleep initally but then we poked on my belly with the transducer and woke her up. Play, play, play!! She kicked her legs a lot and I could see her sweet little lips and nose. PRECIOUS!
I've started working on the registry. We're going to register at Babies R Us, Target, and Wal-Mart. I don't want to register at Wal-Mart but we don't have a choice with the majority of our families not having access to the other two stores.
I want a doula. My Wife isn't as hip on it. I need it. We had a girl offer to do the service for free, she has to complete 3 before she gets her doula license. We met with her and everything went great but she's dropped off the face of the earth since then. No contact, no follow-up, no good. I am not going to contact her, I feel it's her job since she said she would get us some info and set up a time to meet to work on the birth plan. I started looking at doulas today. They aren't cheap, are they worth it? I'm leaning towards hiring one who has seen births before, who knows what goes on. I wish I did!! I should watch some videos of birth I think. It's not like I can change my mind at this point.
My parents are coming up this weekend to help install the hardwood flooring in the nursery.
I'm getting scared about labor. My Wife suggests I read more Ina May stories. I'm also getting excited to meet Samantha Adeline.
We have our 16 week appointment today. I predict it will be as uneventful as the previous ones. I'm concerned with my weight. I haven't gained "that" much, and I'm keeping a close eye on it. I've just never seen the scales say THOSE numbers.
Some days I can't believe this is happening. It doesn't feel real. It seems I have to tell myself every day that I'm pregnant. I wonder when it will become reality? That this is our new life? I'm almost half way through this pregnancy and I still don't feel or think I'm pregnant some days. Am I crazy? Speaking of crazy, I really hope I don't have a hard time with hormones after the birth. I want to be a normal mom without post partum issues. Of course, I don't think I have much control over it...or do I?

Monday, February 4, 2013

14 weeks, 4 days

Other than this AWFUL headache, I feel great!! My head hurts off/on. I'm staying hydrated. I'm not taking any meds. The only thing that helps is a warm bath with a steamy washrag over my face. Could be sinus, could be hormones.

We're going tomorrow (2/5) to find out boy/girl. I already feel I know it's a girl based on an ultrasound last Friday. But the u/s machine used isn't as good as our friend has in her office. We're hoping to be able to give my Wife's mom a birthday present Wed night that announces boy/girl.

We ripped up the carpet/pad in the nursery this weekend. My wife did most of the work, I just got her started on the project. I love ripping up carpet. My wife equated it to ripping off skin from a sunburn, I agree. My Wife also installed a new kitchen faucet. It's FABULOUS, I love it. We are installing a reverse osmosis water system so we needed the sprayer hose hole for that. Now our faucet has a pull-down sprayer. We bought Moen brand because it has a lifetime warranty.

My belly is starting to show. I'm still taking pictures every week. I had my first uninvited belly rub at work today, from a dude no less. So bizarre. I asked a friend if I can grab people's junk when that happens. Seems fair.

See you soon Samantha Adeline, mommy loves you. :) :)