Saturday, December 29, 2012

Win Sage Spoonfuls

Sage Spoonfuls has offered to giveaway a set of Mini Storage Containers and the Sage Spoonfuls Book!! 

Click here to enter:

9 weeks

Today makes 9 weeks 2 days. My fatigue has not let up, but the nausea has. It doesn't seem to be as strong. I'd say I peaked around week 7. I have read I should peak right now, maybe I'm just ahead of the game. Don't get me wrong, I still get nauseous in the evening, but it's not as much of a miserable feeling as it was. My breasts are all matter of colors, and still VERY sore/tender. My abdomen is growing. It's not growing from the baby so much as the uterus is enlarging. I read it's about the size of a tennis ball/grapefruit. I am a bit moody, but nothing irrational. I am going to squeeze in another ultrasound (Monday) before my deductible starts over. It'll be peace of mind and cool to see how much the peanut has grown in 3 weeks. Pictures to follow. It doesn't feel real yet. The only part that feels real is knowing how tired I'm going to be every day and how much heartburn/reflux I'll have when I lay down at night.

My Wife gave me an ornament and a letter from the baby as one of my gifts for Christmas. It made me cry. She also got me a lot of other nice things--a de-vine throw from restoration hardware. It's amazing!! I'm wrapped up in it now as I type this. The description begins with "indulge in the sumptuous feel...". It's heavenly!! She also got me a heated throw. I got a shirt from Fossil that I loved in the store. She gave me a Buddha board.

It's almost the new year!! I better start thinking about new years resolutions. I kept a few of mine throughout this year....especially that "make a baby" one!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

8 Weeks

Here it is week 8, 2 days. I'm still having the same symptoms as I was. Nausea hits me in the afternoon, sometimes evening if I'm lucky. My ta-ta's are in the running to be good sized cantaloupes. I can feel tenderness, slight pain at my normal gate. I wear a compression sports bra 24/7. I wish I could shower with it on. My Wife took a frontal view pic of them last night to show me just how BIG they are. *gulp* I tire easily. By the time I get off work at 5:30 pm, I am ready to go to bed. I've read to exercise to get energy. I walk all day long with my job, probably many miles. I don't feel like walking MORE when I get home. So I rest when I get home, the pregnancy sites also say to REST.

It's almost Christmas. The plan is to tell my Wife's family over the holiday. I'm still on the fence about when to tell mine. I don't want to ruin their Christmas. I wish they could be happy for us, I am so hopeful they'll surprise me and at least be a LITTLE excited.

I have to admit the nausea gets old. This is not a complaint, simply a statement and acknowledgement. I dread my evenings, I look forward to my mornings of feeling energized and normal.

My belly is bloated. It's getting wider. It's looking different.

I bought my Wife a card "from" the baby. Similar to the card I sent her last month to work from the baby. This one is a Christmas card telling her how much he/she loves her. I also bought her a baby book to read to our baby "All the Ways I Love You". I hope she likes it.

Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Six Weeks

We had an ultrasound on week 6. Technically it was 5 weeks 6 days according to LMP. According to IUI it was 6 weeks 1 day. It's funny how a day can make a difference.

We had a gestational sac and a yolk sac. No embryo, no heartbeat. My doc called and scared me and asked if I understood what was going on. I told her everything I had researched said a heartbeat could show up AFTER 6 weeks. She said no, we should see it NOW. I spent the following week in a state of panic!

We went for our 6 week 6 day ultrasound yesterday (12/12/12) and saw a BEAUTIFUL heartbeat and even got to hear the 129 bpm. Our tech took a 3D pic, our baby looks just like a peanut. She saved all our pics to a DVD and sent with us.

Our doc called and apologized. I told her she gave me a week long heart attack. She agreed and said she was sorry.

We picked out our OB. It's the husband of my GYN. He uses the same ultrasound company we've been going to for the past 8 months. They are great, and we have our favorite tech.

We met with one OB--she seemed knife happy and everything had to be buy the book. The medical books. There were no alternatives. There would have been disagreements between us.

We were going to meet with another OB that the doc I used to work for recommended. I made an appointment. I text a friend and told her we had the appt. She replied back with NO NO You can't go to her!! She broke up her 6 yr relationship, 14 years ago. She had an affair with a patient. Since then she's had multiple affairs and just 3 months ago told her partner of 14 years she is leaving her for a patient. Oh my gosh, our jaw hit the floor. I cancelled the appointment.

Symptoms at 7 weeks 0 days: Breasts are EXTREMELY sore/tender. Thank goodness for compression  sports bras. My breasts are funny colors--purple/brown and veins are prominent. I'm nauseous anytime afternoon noon until bedtime. I have not thrown up, but it would feel better if I could. I have reflux/heartburn something awful. It doesn't matter how little/lot I eat, it's always there. I am trying not to eat too many Tums, but some days it's unavoidable. I am more than tired, exhausted actually. It hits by 5 pm everyday. The symptoms haven't eased up much at all. Some days are worse than others but they are there every single day.

I am going to make an OB appointment tomorrow and also find out if I need to continue progesterone and for how long. I probably won't have to go to the doc until after the first of the year. I'll be 9 or 10 weeks by then. *gulp*

So far my craving has been Subway meatball sub. Not sure if it's the salt or the sauce, but I think about that sauce/cheese taste a LOT. An aversion, surprisingly, is coffee. The thought of a mocha from 'Bucks is not appealing at all. Good for me!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thankful Day 30

I am thankful for my background and upbringing. If I hadn't been born and raised where I was I would have never met my wife, most likely. I'm glad to be from a small town in a very rural area. It makes me appreciate the city and country more. Thank you small town USA.